Frequently Asked Questions

At Australani, we understand that navigating the world of healthcare can be complex, and we’re here to provide clarity and support every step of the way. Our FAQ section is designed to address our patients most common questions. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please reach out to us.

How Do I Access And What Cost?

Simple. Personalised. Easy.

Bulk Billing and Medicare rebate are available on qualifying consultations*.

A valid Medicare Card is required.

Please contact us directly if you have questions if your consultation will qualify.

* All bookings are made through your patient dashboard. Please see the options available at time of booking consultation.
* Medicare rebate available for qualifying consultations – see the Medicare website for details.
* DVA rebate available for qualifying consultations.
* In clinic or Telehealth (video/phone).
* Bulk billing and Medicare/DVA rebate are subject to regulatory conditions and can not be guaranteed.
* Additional consumables, products, therapies, prescriptions items, or other services may be separate, and not covered by Bulk Billing or Medicare rebate. Please ask your clinician or our clinic for specific details at consultation or email us. Additional time for special requests or service out of consultation will attract time based fees. Administration fees may apply for non-clinical staff or agents to review and perform any requests.

We pride ourselves on expertise and affordability. Your consultation will be with Australian Doctors who are registered medical practitioners with the Medical Board of Australia (AHPRA), licensed and have expertise in the services we provide. Providing an extensive referral and/or health summary, and comprehensive information in our onboarding or treatment questionnaires helps our medical team save you time and costs.

Bulk Billed Consultations $0 – no consultation cost to patient*

Initial Consultation $78*

Follow up (Brief) Consultation $40*

Time based consultations
Brief Consultation $40* (<7mins)
Routine Consultation $78* (<15mins)
Long Consultation $139* (<30mins)
Extended Consultation $249* (<60mins)
* All bookings are made through your patient dashboard. Please see the options available at time of booking consultation.
* Medicare rebate available for qualifying consultations – see the Medicare website for details.
* DVA rebate available for qualifying consultations.
* In clinic or Telehealth (video/phone).
* Bulk billing and Medicare/DVA rebate are subject to regulatory conditions and can not be guaranteed.
* Additional consumables, products, therapies, prescriptions items, or other services may be separate, and not covered by Bulk Billing or Medicare rebate. Please ask your clinician or our clinic for specific details at consultation or email us. Additional time for special requests or service out of consultation will attract time based fees. Administration fees may apply for non-clinical staff or agents to review and perform any requests.

Yes, you do! Our Doctors are vastly experienced in general practise. Simply complete the online booking and registration. Tell us more about you, your medical history and treatments. During the medical consultation the doctor will determine the most suitable treatment for your condition.  You do not need a referral, but a referral or a health summary is extremely helpful in providing the best treatment to you. Occasionally you will need to get a referral from a GP for certain treatments. Our goal is to ensure the highest quality care is provided to our important patients. 

No, a referral is not required. However occasionally with certain medical conditions a referral will be required before an approved treatment plan is provided. Our best advice is to obtain a referral at your soonest opportunity if you are able. 

At Australani, we prioritise your healthcare needs, and obtaining a referral is considered the gold standard of patient care. There are typically two primary reasons why we request referrals: first, to ensure comprehensive and accurate background information for the proper treatment of medical conditions, and second, to maintain continuity of healthcare, particularly in the management of chronic conditions.

However, please bring as much of your medical history as possible. This will help the Australani medical team assess you thoroughly with our comprehensive approach.

Contact your local medical practice that you usually attend or if you visit a regular doctor their practice. Explain your reason to have a referral to our experienced clinic based on your conditions, list any symptoms you have been experiencing and medical history – please ask for a extensive and complete Health Summary to assist our team in our comprehensive assessment for you. Lengthy referrals and health summaries are appreciated and welcomed.

Most practices have standard referral templates or can refer directly from their clinical software – they can search for “Australani” in their medical referral software to find us. Otherwise to assist, click here for our referral form.

When completed the documents can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed.

The price for medication can range widely due to your condition, how your body responds to treatments, the type of medical treatment you are on and whether the medication is PBS funded.

An indication from recent research in Australia showed that the average patient spent between $1 to $10 per day on medications.  This is the range we typically expect with our patients, however this is no guarantee, and ideally patients would not need any medication – just-self facilitation to maintain their 5 Australani Pillars of Wellbeing.

During consultation, please feel free to ask the likely costs of medications or treatment options. You can also send us your referral so that we can quote you on costs.

Is It For Me?

Empowering Your Well-Being Is Our Mission

We have an Expert Clinic for you:

Life Pain Clinic – a rapid assessment and treatment plan activation to urgently start relief.

Life Stress Clinic – be heard with a comprehensive assessment of the Pillars of Wellbeing, and develop a treatment plan that understands relief will be multifaceted.

Sleep Disorder Clinic – Finally get a good night of refreshed sleep.

Chronic Pain Clinic – there are many causes and influences of pain, so assessment and treatment plans are diverse like our wonderful patients.

Chronic Disease Clinic – we understand the complexity that comes with chronic disease and multiple diagnoses, so a comprehensive assessment is key to finding and treating the root causes.

Fibromyalgia Clinic – we have a passion for pointing Fibromyalgia patients in the right direction and finding relief.

Integrated Medicine Clinic – a diverse assessment to find root causes of illness, and root causes of diagnosis, using Australani’s Pillars of Wellbeing as a tool to assess physical, social, mental and spiritual factors.

Save Lungs Save Lives Stop Smoking Clinic – as the name says, saving your lungs by stopping smoking.

Executive Health Clinic – tailored solutions for executives and companies.

Performance Health Clinic – As we age our bodies can decline in performance of various functions, with you, our team identifies your performance goals and treatment options to attain these.

Weight Management Clinic – we will consider your medical, social, and life issues that might affect your weight management, and tailor a personalised program that’s right for you and your daily challenges and tasks.

Green Medicine falls within Integrative Medicine, which is an approach to healthcare that combines conventional medical practices with evidence-based natural (green) complementary therapies and interventions. Green Integrative Medicine emphasizes treating the whole person while considering the person’s lifestyle, diet, social and environmental factors. Like green energy, Australani’s Green Medicine is Integrative Medicine with a focus on various natural (green) treatments whilst still working with all standard and complementary health options. Australani takes the successful health model called Te Whare Tapa Wha – The Healthy Home Of Four Walls – and expands with a natural focus – to build – Australani’s Pillars of Wellbeing.

GREEN medicine is what you should do everyday to maximise your wellbeing, and it is primarily not pharmaceuticals.

G – General Physical Health: Prioritise your overall physical wellbeing through regular exercise, fitness routines, and comprehensive bodily care. Understanding medical conditions, their causes, and treatments is crucial. Activities like a daily walk or run in the fresh air benefit not only your body but also your mind and spirit, making it one of the most effective and natural forms of GREEN medicine available.

R – Religious Wellbeing (Spiritual Wellbeing): Nurture your spiritual growth, mindfulness, and connection to a higher purpose. Cultivate a deeper sense of purpose in life and establish a meaningful connection to the universe, enhancing your spiritual health and overall sense of fulfillment.

E – Emotional Wellbeing (Mental Health): Achieve mental balance and stability through cognitive strategies, mindfulness practices, and emotional regulation. Providing support, diagnosing, and treating patients for their daily mental health maintenance ensures sustained mental wellbeing and resilience.

E – Environmental Wellbeing (Social Wellbeing): Foster healthy social interactions, community involvement, and a supportive social environment. Social wellbeing encompasses relationships, support structures, financial stability, and more. Building strong social connections and community engagement is key to a fulfilling and balanced life.

N – Nutrition: Adopt proper dietary habits and nutrition to support your overall health and wellbeing. The foods we consume profoundly impact our general health, gut health, and mental health. Emphasizing balanced nutrition is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Green Medicine does not refer specifically to Medicinal Cannabis and we make no claims on Medicinal Cannabis treatment, other than our doctors are happy to consult with patients in a balanced fashion in our Integrated Medicine Clinic. Medicinal Cannabis products are regulated by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) and can only be discussed during your consultation with a doctor or health professional. For more information go to:

The simple answer is yes, because Integrative Medicine is a deep dive into you, to find root causes of health issues, and build on foundations of nutrition, sleep, exercise, lifestyle, stress, and social wellbeing. Sometimes pharmaceutical medication is a necessity, however a whole person lifestyle and natural environmental considerations are always the cornerstone of treatment.

With a focus on natural (green) therapies, Australani takes the successful health model called Te Whare Tapa Wha – The Healthy Home Of Four Walls – and utilises this health concept on each of our patients so as to consider our patients from head to toe, home to work, wakefulness to sleep, birth to death, and beyond.

Australani’s Pillars of Wellbeing

Physical health (Taha tinana):
Key aspects – Our physical health, growth and development. Good physical health supports overall wellbeing. Physical health is about how our body grows, feels and moves, and how we care for it. Being physically well helps us to feel mentally well and improves our overall wellbeing. Sometimes our body might face a setback (like an injury) or is not functioning like we’d like it to. What’s important is that we do what we can to look after it. Great ideas for physical wellness include being active, healthy eating habits and sleeping well.

Mental wellbeing (Taha hinengaro):
Key aspects – Our mental health and ability to communicate, to think, and to feel. Our mind and body are inseparable. Mental wellbeing is about our mind, thoughts, feelings and conscience and the things we do to enrich them. Taking good care of our mind improves resilience in coping with the ups and downs of life, and has a direct influence on our body and overall health. Mental wellness also involves healthy ways of thinking and communicating.

Social wellbeing (Taha whanāu):
Key aspects – Our connections with others and capacity to belong, to care, and to share, but also our financial security and social environment. As individuals we offer unique contributions to our family, communities and wider social systems. Social wellbeing involves the people we care about and share our lives with who provide a sense of belonging and support. This involves all the relationships that matter to us – our family, friends, colleagues and community. We are social animals and a positive connection with our social environment contributes to our wellbeing and is a key part of our sense of identity.

Spiritual wellbeing (Taha wairua):
Key aspects – Our spiritual, cultural and aspirational connections and experiences. This involves our sense of self and the things that bring meaning and purpose to our lives. Spiritual wellbeing is about our connections with people, places and spaces that are dear to us. It is often overlooked but plays a big role in acknowledging and nurturing who we are and where we have come from. Spiritual wellbeing means different things to different people, and is very individualised when it comes to assessing and nurturing.

Nutritional health (Taha whenua):
Key aspects – Adopt proper dietary habits and nutrition to support your overall health and wellbeing. The foods we consume profoundly impact our general health, gut health, and mental health. Emphasising balanced nutrition is an essential bedrock for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Under these five Pillars of Wellbeing what measures can we take to maximise your health and wellness?

Australani is proud to offer the Save Lungs Save Lives Stop Smoking Clinic – a ten-week program to help patients quit for good. We invite patients to book today to make a change in your life.

Smoking tobacco is harmful to humans. We all know this, and we all know people that have been harmed or died from smoking related disease. A lot of harm is hidden inside a tobacco smoker until it’s too late to prevent something like a heart attack or stroke. As a smoker, you may be getting the effects of smoking right now.

It is never too late to quit. It is a scientific fact that the day a smoker quits, is the day when the harm stops and repair starts. As a smoker, your lungs and your body will thank you if you do, not to mention your wallet.

“How do you prevent the 2nd heart attack or stroke? Don’t have the first one”. Smoking after a heart attack or stroke is like playing Russian roulette with a loaded automatic rifle.

Today, there are many more treatments that a patient can utilize to assist in stopping smoking or even just to reduce the amount of tobacco. Many patients report that they experience positive effects from nicotine that makes them not want to stop smoking. Nicotine replacement can help these patients stop smoking. Recently nicotine vapes have become popular, with many illegal and unregulated vapes coming into Australia. There has been good research now showing that nicotine vapes are effective or better than some other treatments to help smokers quit smoking tobacco – however, nicotine vapes should only be proper regulated vapes that are prescribed (not an illegal dangerous one). One of the myths is that vapes are worse than cigarettes, but this blanket statement is simply not true. A patient should consider all options, and our team at Australani would love to consult to give you all the choices and information to help you Save Your Lungs & Save Your Life.

Australani does not endorse the use of vapes and we clearly state “Fresh is Best!” Here are some helpful guidelines from the RACGP:

Save Lungs Save Lives does not refer specifically to nicotine vapes, INVP or vapes, and we make no claims on INVP treatment, other than our doctors are happy to consult with patients in a balanced fashion in our clinic. Nicotine products are regulated by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) and can only be discussed during your consultation with a doctor or health professional. For more information go to:

Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Reduced Risk of Chronic Disease: Executive health programs typically involve a thorough medical evaluation that can identify early signs of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By identifying these conditions early, individuals can take steps to prevent or manage them, reducing their risk of long-term health problems.
  2. Improved Health Behaviours: Executive health programs often include coaching and support to help individuals adopt healthy habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and sleep hygiene. Studies have shown that these behaviours are associated with improved health outcomes and reduced risk of chronic disease.
  3. Enhanced Mental Health: High-stress jobs can take a toll on mental health, leading to symptoms of mental stress, mental illness, and burnout. Executive health programs often include assessments of mental health and well-being, along with coaching and support to help individuals manage stress and improve their emotional resilience.
  4. Increased Productivity: Poor health can interfere with job performance, leading to reduced productivity and increased absenteeism. By optimizing health and well-being, executive health programs can help individuals perform at their best, reducing the impact of health problems on job performance.
  5. Cost Savings: Chronic diseases and other health problems can be expensive to treat, leading to higher healthcare costs and lost productivity. By identifying and addressing health problems early, executive health programs can help individuals avoid more costly interventions later on, leading to potential cost savings over time.


Overall, our Executive Health Programs offer a range of benefits for busy professionals looking to optimize their health and well-being. By providing comprehensive medical evaluations, coaching and support, and tools to improve health behaviours, these programs can help individuals reduce their risk of chronic disease, improve mental health and well-being, increase productivity, and potentially save on healthcare costs over time.

Our Executive Health Clinic works with what your company requires, please contact us with your needs at [email protected].

As we age our bodies can decline in performance of various functions. Through our Performance Health Clinic our team identifies your performance goals and treatment options to attain these

The more common requests we have are:

For Men – weight loss, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, libido loss, hair loss, fatigue, physical performance, aesthetics, skin health, wrinkles and ageing skin.

For Women – weight loss, libido loss, hair loss, fatigue, physical performance, aesthetics, skin health, wrinkles and ageing skin.

For many people, weight management is a lifelong issue. 

When it comes to weight loss, there’s plenty of advice. Magazines, books and websites promise that you can lose all the weight you want for good. To do this, they suggest that you use diets that get rid of fat or carbs. Or use superfoods or special supplements.

With so many options, how do you know which approach might work for you? Talk to us to consider the many tried and true, and the new, options available to you.

At Australani we will consider your medical, social, and life issues that might affect your weight management. We will tailor a personalised program that’s right for you and your daily challenges and tasks.

Forget the previous diets, today is a new day, let us help you find the balance in your life. Your plan will include the right amount of nutrients and calories, activity for you lifestyle, focus on mental wellbeing, a long term plan, and consideration of the new treatments that are now popularly available.


Simple. Personalised. Easy.

We aim to comprehensively evaluate our patients, to provide the most accurate diagnosis and treatment options. Taking a pill every day may not solve the bigger problem. Australani prides itself on treating the patient and not the guideline. We follow, recommend and offer RACGP guidelines, and take a broad approach to our patient concerns to give them an expansive and personalised informed decision on their healthcare. Many standard medical guidelines recommend lifestyle and non-pharmaceutical interventions before medication, which is a great and cost effective approach to take. Our Doctors agree with the RACGP patient-centered care approach and are always open to discuss novel and complementary treatments with our patients.

The Clinic - Consultations

Experts In Comprehensive Personalised Healthcare

We do offer in clinic appointments from our home clinic in the Gold Coast – easily accessible to the southeast Queensland and the far north coast NSW. We are finding most patients prefer the ease and convenience of our telehealth services (video and phone) to fit into their busy lives. Certain assessments do require in person consultation or for your regular doctor to assist with physical examination, if you are based elsewhere in Australia. This is especially important for our remote and rural patients requiring our expertise. A reminder to our regular patients, that many of the Bulk Billing and Medicare Rebates available for Telehealth require a minimum of a yearly face-to-face consultation.

Yes, we offer telehealth appointments (video and phone).  Actually, this is now overwhelmingly the most common way our patients choose to have their appointment, as it allows you the convenience and flexibility to have your appointment at a time that is much more suitable. This is especially important for our remote and rural patients requiring our expertise who find health consultations challenging. A reminder to our regular patients, that many of the Bulk Billing and Medicare Rebates available for Telehealth require a minimum of a yearly face-to-face consultation.

If your appointment is more than 24 hours away, you can reschedule your appointment yourself using your Australani dashboard.

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds on appointments (as per Australian Consumer law), as we incur costs for bookings.  We certainly allow changes of rescheduling of appointments that are more than 24 hours away.  As we aim to provide the highest level of care that means having the necessary team to consult and support you, please be certain before booking. Please see our Refund Policy.

Yes, you can transfer from another clinic. Gold standard care is to keep your Doctors and medical providers in the loop, so please do let us know these details when you are onboarded and if details change whilst you are being cared for by Australani. Please email us at [email protected] if you have a referral from the other clinic.

For legally compliant consultations we need to ensure that approvals, prescriptions, records and medications are all for the correct person.  That is why we get you to verify your identity and contact number. You will be asked for legal name, DOB, Medicare number and home address as a minimum.

Absolutely, all our Doctors are Australian qualified medical practitioners and registered with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).  In addition, our medical practitioners have expertise in integrative treatments including natural treatment plans and patient centred care.

We cannot guarantee this by law. Our Australani Doctors will carefully evaluate your condition and individual circumstances. Our medical processes, pre-screening onboarding and consultations assist you and us in understanding what treatments or prescriptions may assist you. If you have specific questions before booking please contact us by calling or email us at [email protected].

Finding the best treatments for our patients is super important to us. We aim to be treatment and product agnostic. With so many treatments available to patients it is important we assist our patients find the right treatment plan for them. During the consultation our Doctor will discuss appropriate treatments for you to consider. This will allow you the opportunity to discuss any possible prescriptions along with any questions or concerns before any prescription is written or treatment plan undertaken.

If you change your mind after the consultation and the prescription has already been initiated, you may be required to have an additional consultation, as we may need to perform additional work, such as undertake another TGA/State/Territory application and ensure that the treatment approach is sound as assessed by our expert medical practitioner.


Experts In Comprehensive Personalised Healthcare

Absolutely.  You can track the status of your entire consultation journey through your patient dashboard.

You will also receive SMS and email messages keeping you informed of any status updates.

Once any orders are paid for, our team starts working on your order straight away.  This is usually processed within 24 hours and available for pickup at our dispensary or posted using Express Couriers.  The standard delivery times for Express Post range from 2-4 business days.

For patients who prefer, you can visit our dispensary and pickup your order in person after it has been processed. Please make sure you bring valid photo identification such as driver’s license, passport, AustPost keypass id or similar id.

Yes we do. Using Express Couriers, we ship Australia wide.  We provide tracking so you have peace of mind where your order is on its way to you.


Contact us with your Feedback or Questions

We value the trust you place in our service and feedback is how we improve.  Please call or email us.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0434 347 453

If you are having an emergency or are severely unwell, please call 000 and seek urgent medical attention.

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